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API Reference 📚

Introduction 🚀

Abi is a lightweight and versatile TypeScript framework designed to be used across Node, Bun, and Deno environments. It allows you to build web applications, manage HTTP routes, and make HTTP requests in a simple and intuitive manner. This section of the documentation serves as a reference for the available APIs in Abi.

Abi Class 🏗️

The Abi class is the main class of the framework, combining routing, the server, and the HTTP client into one entity.


  • get(path: string, handler?: (params: any) => any): this

    • Defines a GET route for the application.

    • Parameters:

      • path: The route to associate.
      • handler: Function to be called when the route is accessed.
    • Example:

      const abi = new Abi();
      abi.get('', 'Welcome to Abi.js!');
      abi.get(':name', (name: string) => `Hello ${name}!`);
  • serve(): void

    • Starts the HTTP server and begins listening for requests on the defined routes.

    • Example:

  • static get(input: string | Request, options?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>

    • Makes an HTTP GET request using the internal client.

    • Parameters:

      • input: The URL or Request object.
      • options: Additional options for the request.
    • Example:

      const response = await Abi.get('');

Router Class 🛣️

The Router class handles the routes defined for the application.


  • get(path: string, handler?: (params: any) => any): void
    • Defines a GET route for the router.

    • Example:

      const router = new Router();
      router.get('/about', () => 'About Us');

Server Class 🖥️

The Server class is responsible for serving the routes defined by the router.


  • serve(port?: number): void
    • Starts the server on the specified port.

    • Example:

      const server = new Server(router);

Client Class 🌐

The Client class is used to make HTTP requests.


  • static get(input: string | Request, options?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
    • Makes an HTTP GET request.

    • Example:

      const response = await Client.get('');

Abi Configuration ⚙️

Abi can be configured using the defineConfig method.


  • AbiConfig: Partial or undefined configuration type.
  • Config: Complete configuration type with all parameters.
  • defaultConfig: The default configuration used by Abi.


  • defineConfig(config: AbiConfig): Config
    • Defines the configuration for Abi by merging default values with those provided.

    • Example:

      import { defineConfig } from 'abi-framework';
      const config = defineConfig({
      rootDirectory: '/my/custom/path',

Conclusion 🎯

This section is a starting point for exploring Abi’s features. As development progresses, this reference will be expanded to provide complete details on each available feature and method.